Staffordshire at Sea

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Coloured plan of Portsmouth town and dockyard, Gosport, and South Sea Castle, showing the proposed fortifications, with eight ships shown at anchor in the main channel of the harbour, 1678-79

This survey forms part of a book compiled by Legge in which he reports to the Duke of Monmouth, as captain general of the land forces, on the state of the fortifications and ordnance at Portsmouth, Gosport, South Sea Castle and Ports-bridge. His report also includes a list of all the officers; an account of the duty there; the method of paying the garrison; accounts of stores in the garrison; accounts of guns that need to be repaired.

(© Staffordshire Record Office: D(W)1778/V/1407)

Admiral George Anson (1697-1762) Sir John Leveson (1555-1615) George Legge, Baron Dartmouth (c1647-1691) Richard Drakeford (c1709-1757) John Jervis, Earl St. Vincent (1735-1823) Introduction